The first time I ever picked up one of Breathnach's books was many years ago. I had never heard anything about her. I didn't know who she was; no one had recommended any of her books to me.
But I do remember that during that time, there was this restlessness in my life. I didn't think that there was anything in particular going wrong, but at the same time, I felt as if something was missing. I just kept thinking that I wanted "something more". Do you ever have that feeling?
Well, sure enough, I'm at the bookstore, and which book ends up staring me straight in the face? I'm not kidding you, the book was called Something More and that's when I first heard Breathnach's name, because she was the author.
As I said in my previous entry, sometimes, I think books pick YOU just as much as you pick them. And Something More set me on a path of self discovery and alleviated some of the guilt I was feeling about wanting more than I had. In fact, it got me excited to dream big and pursue some of the things I was afraid to in the past.
And as time went on, I started realizing that my wanting more came from not being satisfied or truly happy with myself or the relationship I was in at the time. I was thinking so much about the other person, trying to make him happy, that I was losing sight of what I really wanted and who I really was.
That's when I discovered Breathnach's Simple Abundance.
I love that this book is written as a journal - one entry for each day of the year. And I can still remember moments in my life when I didn't know where to turn, or needed a push in the right direction, and the words that Breathnach had written for that day kept me going, helped me find my way.
Simple Abundance is a book that talks about finding your authentic self. It's a book that reminds us not just of how important that self is, but also gives tips to women on how to find that self. Breathnach uses her own real life experiences- anecdotes, lessons, jokes, tears and fears- to teach others how to be grateful for our surroundings, how to care for others, but also how to nurture ourselves. And she takes us through an inner journey that is truly life changing if you remain open to it.
That first year that I read Simple Abundance, I think I read more than one entry per day because I just couldn't get enough of Breathnach's words, and I was so touched by the way she seemed to understand our hearts and minds, and souls. And once I reached the end of the book, and saw Breathnach's mailing address in the book, I had to write to her. I thanked her for sharing her stories with others, for writing down her words, for being so insightful and for being part of the strength that got me through a tough time in my life.
And you know what? She wrote back. Sarah Ban Breathnack actually took the time to write me a real letter back, not an email, but a letter in the mail- the old way. It consisted of a few words, but her words were heartfelt and humble. And just as real as the authenticity she so encourages in her books.
Sometimes, my copy of Simple Abundance gets put away and I forget about it for awhile. I think maybe it won't have the same impact it had on me way back when I really needed it. Maybe that book just reached me so deeply back then because of what I was going through.
But I do remember that during that time, there was this restlessness in my life. I didn't think that there was anything in particular going wrong, but at the same time, I felt as if something was missing. I just kept thinking that I wanted "something more". Do you ever have that feeling?
Well, sure enough, I'm at the bookstore, and which book ends up staring me straight in the face? I'm not kidding you, the book was called Something More and that's when I first heard Breathnach's name, because she was the author.
As I said in my previous entry, sometimes, I think books pick YOU just as much as you pick them. And Something More set me on a path of self discovery and alleviated some of the guilt I was feeling about wanting more than I had. In fact, it got me excited to dream big and pursue some of the things I was afraid to in the past.
And as time went on, I started realizing that my wanting more came from not being satisfied or truly happy with myself or the relationship I was in at the time. I was thinking so much about the other person, trying to make him happy, that I was losing sight of what I really wanted and who I really was.
That's when I discovered Breathnach's Simple Abundance.
I love that this book is written as a journal - one entry for each day of the year. And I can still remember moments in my life when I didn't know where to turn, or needed a push in the right direction, and the words that Breathnach had written for that day kept me going, helped me find my way.
Simple Abundance is a book that talks about finding your authentic self. It's a book that reminds us not just of how important that self is, but also gives tips to women on how to find that self. Breathnach uses her own real life experiences- anecdotes, lessons, jokes, tears and fears- to teach others how to be grateful for our surroundings, how to care for others, but also how to nurture ourselves. And she takes us through an inner journey that is truly life changing if you remain open to it.
That first year that I read Simple Abundance, I think I read more than one entry per day because I just couldn't get enough of Breathnach's words, and I was so touched by the way she seemed to understand our hearts and minds, and souls. And once I reached the end of the book, and saw Breathnach's mailing address in the book, I had to write to her. I thanked her for sharing her stories with others, for writing down her words, for being so insightful and for being part of the strength that got me through a tough time in my life.
And you know what? She wrote back. Sarah Ban Breathnack actually took the time to write me a real letter back, not an email, but a letter in the mail- the old way. It consisted of a few words, but her words were heartfelt and humble. And just as real as the authenticity she so encourages in her books.
Sometimes, my copy of Simple Abundance gets put away and I forget about it for awhile. I think maybe it won't have the same impact it had on me way back when I really needed it. Maybe that book just reached me so deeply back then because of what I was going through.
But without even realizing it, this book has continued with me over the years. I used her gratitude journal idea in my classrooms when I was teaching kids, as well as with friends for personal growth. And I still use it for myself to this day, to help me appreciate what is around me.
There is also an illustrated discovery journal that Breathnach has created. You can either purchase it (or simply make one of your own), that gives you space to explore scrapbooking, collaging and creating with pictures and magazine clippings to discover the dreams that are buried in your subconscious. I know that many of those pictures pop up in my head from time to time, to allow me to see what I really want in my life, rather than focusing on others' expectations. And I create some of those collages over five or six years ago.
It seems that no matter how much time it has been since the last time I read Breathnach's book, as soon as I pick it up again, it speaks to me and show me what is important. It reminds me to keep true to myself, and it inspires me to dig deep inside myself to see the magic and beauty of life.
This year, I wanted to pass on Sarah's words to others. So I have begun by sending out her entries, one by one, to friends of mine, starting on New Year's day with her January 1st entry. Thank you to those of you who have sent messages of appreciation for the emails. And I hope that those I haven't heard from are enjoying them as well. Though I would love to continue to pass on the entries each day for the full year, I think a month or so of them might be doable for me. I am typing each entry out and three hundred and sixty five days of this might be a little too much.
But I hope that my starting you off on this might make you want to go out and get a copy of the book yourself (You can even check out used bookstores. Many of them have Simple Abundance on the shelves for 10-15 dollars). Trust me. It is well worth the investment.
I bought the Man's Journey to Simple Abundance many years ago too out of curiosity. But I gave it away because I never got myself into it. Though the copy I was referring to above is aimed at women, there is this men's version out there as well (if you are interested for yourself, or want to buy it for a man - husband, brother, father, friend- in your life). If anyone gets their hands on it, and gives it a read, let me know what you think. If Breathnach is as insightful about men as she is about women, you know it will be a great read.
This year, I wanted to pass on Sarah's words to others. So I have begun by sending out her entries, one by one, to friends of mine, starting on New Year's day with her January 1st entry. Thank you to those of you who have sent messages of appreciation for the emails. And I hope that those I haven't heard from are enjoying them as well. Though I would love to continue to pass on the entries each day for the full year, I think a month or so of them might be doable for me. I am typing each entry out and three hundred and sixty five days of this might be a little too much.
But I hope that my starting you off on this might make you want to go out and get a copy of the book yourself (You can even check out used bookstores. Many of them have Simple Abundance on the shelves for 10-15 dollars). Trust me. It is well worth the investment.
I bought the Man's Journey to Simple Abundance many years ago too out of curiosity. But I gave it away because I never got myself into it. Though the copy I was referring to above is aimed at women, there is this men's version out there as well (if you are interested for yourself, or want to buy it for a man - husband, brother, father, friend- in your life). If anyone gets their hands on it, and gives it a read, let me know what you think. If Breathnach is as insightful about men as she is about women, you know it will be a great read.